Frequently Asked Questions

What kinds of companies benefit from working with Larabee?

We are optimized for companies where motor-based, tactile skills are critical to business operations. In other words, things that require building, making, creating, and doing with hands and bodies.

How is Larabee different from other learning solutions?

We’re designed differently. Our interface (which we built after identifying the core requirements for learning actions and skills) is designed for active participation and seamless interaction. Flow is so important to the learning process. Written instructions and passive tutorial videos are far too rigid and confusing to facilitate that.

We have an LMS that can loop videos. So what?

That’s great! Looping videos are so important for accuracy. That alone, however, is not enough for the learner to absorb or retain information. We developed a method called empathetic design that involves working with experts to extract critical knowhow and designing the lessons anticipating the core learner needs. We lean into emotional and interpersonal engagement and never, ever treat learning like a joyless dumping ground for information.

How much does it cost?

We are currently offering pioneer pilot pricing for $5,000 per lesson, which includes lesson creation and production. From there, we customize enterprise packages based on the total number of lessons and the client’s hosting preferences.

What is the content being created and can I just create my own?

There are two categories of content: looping videos and insights. These are treated very differently stylistically as well as how they’re engaged by the learner. If you prefer to create your own content, we can provide you with an asset guide and walk you through the process.

It seems like your platform overestimates the learner’s desire for knowledge.

We will never underestimate human nature’s curiosity and appetite for learning. While we’re built for accuracy and efficiency, insights are designed to be optional and ancillary. Even still, we have remarkably high engagement rates for them.